GPS, signals, images, sound, sensors, vehicles, AIS, ADSB...
fusing infiniteness into one dimension of reality.
AI-ready platform accelerates decisions for corporations
GPU based infrastrucure enables x100 times faster, cost efficient data analytics and BI platform.

Billions of rows react in real-time
We designed and built HA Phantom for massive multi data needs. Therefore, it is mostly suitable for massively scaleable projects at the lowest cost possible.
Data Fusion collapses higher dimensions into one
1. POI Data (Brands, Dealers, Stores, Competitors ...)
2. Telco Data (Movement, Geofences, Internet Usage...)
3. Mobile Apps (Lat/Long, Behaviour, Interests, App usage...)
4. GPS Data (Lat/Long, Time spent, Time waited …)
5. Navigation Data (Vehicles, Speed, Traffic, Routes …)
6. PoS Purch. Data (Timestamp, SKU Demands, Sales ...)
7. Socioeconomic Data (Income, Age, Profession, Household …)
8. Sectoral Data (ADS-B, AIS, Electricity Consumption..)
9. Company CRM Data (Products, Customers, Sales, Loyalty …)
10. Company Financials (EBITDA, Sales, OPEX, Cash Flow …)
11. Meta Data (Market Prices, Social Media Posts and Locations …)
12. Satellite Imagery (Lat/Long, 0.3m Precision, SAR…)
13. Price Indexing (Web crawler competition analysis)
14. Keyword Indexing (Matching keywords with other data sources…)
15. Cookie Data (Fusing DMPs data into analytics)

Digital Twin of reality, itself.