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Data Infrastructure Services​

We pioneer companies into transforming their conventional analytics workflows into multi-dimensional data fusion platforms.


We enable companies to adapt new infrastructures in their process of generating value from data. We position this accelerated data analytics methods as infrastructure and build systems that communicate with multiple data sources.


Throughout this process, we enable companies to position their data as assets reflecting on company valuations and balance sheets.

To unlock this we provide the necessities and requirements to integrate the right workflows and stacks to uncover the power of data fusion analytics.


Data Enrichment Consultancy Service

The success of companies in data analytics is very dependent on combining different data sources.​ Most of the time these sources do not communicate with each other and reside in seperate data and department silos.

Success of companies in analytics depend on seamless communication of all different data sources in real-time.


We help to bridge these sources into one efficiently managed platform. In addition, through finding and integrating external data sources, we help transform our clients' analytic systems into multi-dimensional, accelerated data fusion infrastructures.

Add multi-dimensions

Connect without joins

Data Federation Services

We support our clients' analytic teams with the latest distributed computing solutions while increasing cost efficiency and performance depending on the on-going infrastructure needs of our client. This service is an external stack, customized for our clients' current infrastructure and can be used both on-premise and/or on cloud.

Data Monetization for Companies

Data residing on company databases are actual assets that can be reflected on corporate balance sheets. Data monetization increases revenue and valuation of a company, in which capitalizes on in-company organically generated value. Our data monetization services allow you to unlock this and prepare you for the paradigm of data asset valuations and economics where all stakeholders will be suppliers and demanders.


Create Value

We are ready to transform companies' data into assets, increase their valuations and contribute to company infrastructures with accelerated data fusion, offer expertise and service in data-based processes.


Accelerated Analytics Infrastructure for the Telecommunications Industry.

Convert Company data into Company Assets. Transform your business into an accelerated data-driven company. 


© Hyper-Analytics 2022

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